Saturday, May 30, 2009

The day I realized Eva Longoria was NOT going to show up....

Its funny, I begin these funny little snap shots of my day, by sitting here staring at the cursor flashing in the title bar....I never can figure out what to call my posts until the very last second....I think I have title anxiety. 
I was sitting here waiting for my hair to air dry hair is CRAZY curly :) 
and I decided to do a post. I usually try to do these things when I have my band boxing gloves on, when I am feeling my best. But I realized that I do way to much of that ... and its therapeutic , admitting the "ugg" days and type-talking it out to myself, and the rest of band land. 
Truth be told, the reason I sat down, dressed, wet haired and starring blankly at my computer screen was ... I was avoiding the mirror. Does anybody else have those days? I know you do.... Those days when you tear into your closet. The closet that is a mix of clothes that are pre op " WOO THESE ARE TO BIG'S " and " ehh the pre-op's that still kinda fit" and you gotta love the " pre-op these stayed in my closet because I bought them to small hoping one day they would fit , and now they do's!" and the dreaded but oh so inspiring " Jeans you bought after you had surgery KNOWING you would one day fit in them....but still don't's"
Yup we all have em. Today I'm in one of those moods, that I am super happy that ..
#1...I am getting ready to leave the house in a pair of shorts I've had for years that actually FIT now!!
#2. I am finally brave enough to wear shorts in public during the summer!

But.....OH theres a but....I stood there in the mirror throwing off shirt after shirt , just being SO irritated that I still see who I see!! By now in this process I wanted to see Eva freaking Longoria!!!! Instead its still me ....but you know what...I guess it always will be me.
The point of todays grand rant is Lap Band patients and people getting ready to undergo one of the biggest changes in our lives, sometimes we loose sight of what the point of this process is. It's not to become (for me) Eva Longoria....or Angelina Jolie ...or Even Brad Pit, for that matter. This whole process is about becoming a better version of ourselves, and UNFORTUNATELY this does not happen over night. And it does not only have to happen physically it HAS to happen mentally. 
Deciding to have this surgery tells us a couple things about ourselves. First we have an obvious problem with food,but the most important part of the equation is this. We cared enough about ourselves and , believed in ourselves enough to do this in the first place. Having this surgery does not make us weak for taking the easy way out...PSHHH we ALL know that...right? 
Having this surgery makes us brave! We took that first step into a seminar...and then the second into our Dr.'s office and look at us now! Wherever we are in our journey...we are still just that...on a journey! And journeys take time. It takes time to become a better you from the inside out. Too many of us get up every morning and are still disapointed because WE are starring ourselves back in the mirror and Angelina still has not showed up. Well guess what? She never will. Only a better you...only a better me. 
So start today with towards the goal of a better you, not another plastic fake tabloid star. You loved yourself to take first all you have to do is Love yourself enough to KEEP Walking....

Love You guys!!!
We can do this!!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Winning the fight before our feet hit the floor.....

Gooood MORNING everyone.....

I'm in a good mood....not gloating....just saying . Today feels like one of those hey I can do this kind of days....( We need more of those eh?)  I mean heck I REALLY believe that the way we look at the day before us  when our feet hit the floor in the morning is half the battle. We win or loose the fight before we take our first steps, chew our first bites, or deny our body's the right to a wonderful workout. 
So my goal for the next week and today ( and I invite you to join me ;) ) is to win my day BEFORE my feet hit the floor. Realize that the reason I started this journey is  because I knew in the beginning  that I could do this (why would I have done it if I didn't?), and I will. But somewhere along the way we "lost that loving feeling" for ourselves and slowly started to believe the lie that we are part of the "40 % of all bandsters fail" LIE! 
Ga... I hate those failure rates they are ....DEPRESSING!!!!! You know why it happens though???? We stop believing that we are worth it...and that we can do it! We loose our pre-op mentality that we deserve this and we WILL do this...and fall back into the lie that food is our only comfort...and gradually revert back to our addictions! Well no more Bandster warriors!!!!!!

These are OUR days and OUR lives!!! When you wake up in the morning claim today as a good day before it even starts...and even if ....EVEN IF you do sayyyyy eat something wrong....or eat to much ITS STILL YOUR DAY!!! Finish strong! Fight the fight guys!!! We all deserve our skinny bodies .... and by God I want my ...yes MY rockin hot body for my Wedding day!!!!! 
So step number one in Good day #1 of the Born again Bandster Slimdown 2009? WORK OUT!!!!  So... this chunky girl is off to the gym to strut her stuff in her workout pants that are SLIGHTLY smaller than when I started....but SLIGHTLY smaller is still something to be proud of .... Have a good day guys!!!!!

LoVe you ALL!!! 
We can do this!!!

What started it all....

Here is what started it all the original flash of brilliance....HA....that started this and enjoy.... I hope you will find some much needed inspiration....and the courage to join me on this journey to health and fitness 

I have discovered something this week in my never ending battle with myself , my stomach and my addiction to food. Well, to be quite honest I have realized a few things. I am at a point in my life were I have come to terms with the fact that I have an addiction to food and it has a serious grip on me. I also have realized that my band has not failed me .... I have failed my band.

So in light of coming to this realization... I am beginning a new journey TODAY....


Now here is where the road block always hits....motivation and accountability because we ALL know that there is allllllllways tomorrow to start back on track well I say NO MORE WAITING TILL TOMORROWS!!! Today is when we will start this journey to the us's and me's we have always wanted to be! 


Step 1- I am starting a blog 
Bandster Banter ...the Lap Band Journey!
Here I will let my guts hang out to you all about EVERYTHING!!!! I will post about my days progress and I will post video links as they come! 

Step 2- Letter to myself 
I am going to take the time to do something I have always wanted to do ....write a letter that is completely obvious to myself. It helps believe me ..... 

Step 3- Do what I know
Eat right and work out like I want my rocking body I deserve!!!!!

Check the blog for letter...and updates!!!!! 

Love you guys!!!! 
We can do this!!!!